About us

About us 

The Project is a South East Wales Eradication Board project delivered by Cefn Gwlad Solutions. The Board  work on key TB issues – where we need to work better together across sectoral and organisational boundaries, to integrate services, develop new ideas, and respond effectively to the disease situation in their region.

The aim of the TB Eradication Boards is to monitor and understand the TB picture in their area, input into policy development, develop new ideas, and deliver a co-ordinated and concerted approach to eradicating TB from their region.

The  South East Wales TB Regional Board and other key members from the Gower discussed the plight of many Gower farmers, many of whom had lost entire herds due to TB, they discussed the opportunities presented by vaccination, but the many challenges in implementing it.

Over the coming months,  they developed a farmer led programme and secured the support of both local farmers and the Welsh Government. 

Why Gower 

Having a long-term history of bTB, the Gower peninsula provides an ideal location for a project of this nature. Surrounded on three sides by the sea and on the fourth side by urbanisation, the movement of badgers in and out of the area will be limited. This means that the effect of the vaccination programme is neither going to be diluted by an influx of immune naïve badgers or by the exodus of vaccinated badgers. 

Key objectives

Our key objectives are: 

• To deliver a programme that will help maintain cattle farming on the Gower for the benefit of the community, the environment and the tourism industry.

• To deliver an effective disease control programme that will enhance the eradication of bTB from the Gower.

• To build up a reservoir of immunity in badgers by vaccination.

• To reduce the level of M. bovis in the environment, the bacterium that causes bTB 


The South East Wales TB Regional Board is one of three boards in Wales working with farmers, vets, auctioneers, the Welsh Government, Local Authorities and APHA (Animal and Plant Health Agency) to develop regional initiatives on bovine TB eradication.

The Board has been working with farmers on the Gower and Welsh Government since 2009, developing and implementing actions to help eradicate bovine TB. 

Cefn Gwlad Solutions Ltd was set up as the legal vehicle for the project to receive funds from government. Its work is overseen by The South East Wales TB Regional Board. 


We are delivering the badger vaccination project with the support of the Welsh Government and have already secured two-thirds of the funds needed. We completed the first year of vaccination in 2019 and have another three years to go.

Funds have also been provided by Swansea Council, Gower Heritage Centre, Tourism Swansea Bay, Gower Caravan Parks, the Swans and the farming community itself. 

However, to continue our vital work over the project period, we need to raise £100,000 – or risk jeopardising much of the good work already done.  Find out how you can help [link] 

Our partners and supporters 

The programme involves a wide range of people and organisations. 

The following are some of the key partners:

  • Gower farming community
  • Gower Farmers Working Group
  • Gower Commoners
  • The Gower Society
  • South East Wales TB Eradication Board
  • Cefn Gwlad Solutions
  • Iechyd Da (gwledig) Ltd.
  • Welsh Government
  • City and County of Swansea – AONB group
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)
  • National Trust
  • National Resources Wales
  • Wildlife Trust
  • Gower Heritage Centre
  • Swansea Football Club